July 3, 2006
Today we drove to Windsor from Walton. We had to split up again as nobody had room for four people. It was 30° C when we arrived, which is pretty stinkin’ hot with no A/C. We got our rooms, Sarah and I stayed at the Langton House (Mom and Dad stayed down the road on the next corner). The house is just out of the Town Centre.
After we got settled in, we walked into town hoping to purchase tickets to see the castle for the next morning. We got there before the last tour should have started but the ticket office was closed. So, we walked for a bit with the intention of walking around the town until it was time to eat. Finally, the heat got the best of us. Our walk became an evaluation of potential restaurants based on how well the A/C worked. We found a nice place just outside the castle wall – near the Burger King and Pizza Hut (which incidentally have the two best A/C systems in town). It was a very nice meal and then on the way home we stopped at Francesco’s for desert. A breeze was blowing as the night cooled and we even had coffees with our desserts! Really a great end to the day.
We returned to our houses just after 8 PM. Sarah and my room was really hot! The air outside the window wasn’t that bad, but inside our room it was terrible. We took cold showers and washed our bodies with cold towels to cool down. Finally, Sarah had the wonderful idea of getting rid of the covers and sleeping under cold wet towels. It worked, I fell asleep and stayed asleep!
When I was awakened by the alarm, it was still hot. We ate breakfast – including tea that tasted like dirt (not sure what the deal was), packed our things and prepared for a tour of the castle.
We arrived at Windsor Castle a few minutes before opening and were able to see large parts of the castle with hardly any crowds. We saw as much as we could – then we ate lunch and drove to the airport.
Scotland Itinerary – Day 13
Travel from Walton, England to spend the night in Windsor, England
Scotland Itinerary – Day 14
Windsor Castle
Drive to Heathrow Airport